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LA Pregnancy + Postpartum Bundle
140 videos
Are you excited + overwhelmed by pregnancy all at once? Even as a nutrition + fitness professional, I know I was. This nutrition, fitness + holistic health program was built to empower and support pregnant mamas who want to feel their best through childbirth and beyond.
It is my heart and soul ...
"Little Adapts" Postpartum Program
42 videos
Are you filled with so much love and overwhelm at the same time now that you're little one has arrived? Even as a wellness professional, I know I was. This nutrition, fitness + holistic health program was built to empower and support postpartum mamas who want to feel their best and feel strong an...
"Little Adapts" Conceiving + Pregnancy Program
101 videos
Are you excited + overwhelmed by pregnancy all at once? Even as a nutrition + fitness professional, I know I was. This nutrition, fitness + holistic health program was built to empower and support pregnant mamas who want to feel their best and reduce anxiety and stress during pregnancy.
It is m...